What To Expect When You Start a New Fitness Program

Fit Girl Fitness
September 15, 2022
What To Expect When You Start a New Fitness Program

Happy Friday Ladies! Three weeks down and we’re doing some awesome things here at Fit Girl Fitness. The feedback has been wonderful! Stay consistent you amazing ladies! Your goals are waiting to be crushed!!!!Today I want to discuss the mindset of a beginner on their fitness journey. Starting a fitness routine can be difficult at first. In the end, it’s extremely rewarding.In my opinion, starting your fitness journey breaks down as follows:90%-Making the decision that you want to make some sort of change in your life-Finding the right avenue (gym, trainer etc) to pursue those changes-Making the appointment/first meeting with said trainer or gym--and keeping the appointment!-Showing up on the first day-Coming back for the rest of the week while your body adjusts to the changes you’re making10%-EVERYTHING ELSESo let me take you through our process here at Fit Girl Fitness and explain how we help you over the hump of the first 90%. I experienced many of the emotions/anxieties listed below during my fitness journey which ultimately resulted in losing over 50lbs.Step 1You decide you want some sort of change. (Fitness, weight loss, nutrition, more social interaction/community)You’re listening to your body and mind. You know that you want to be a better version of yourself. You want that version to shine. You just don’t know where to start?!?!?!At Fit Girl Fitness we’ll arrange a brief meet and greet where you can come by our private fitness studio and see if you think we’re a good fit. You’ll tell us about your goals. We’ll tell you what we have to offer. If interested, we’ll give you a 7 day class pass to “try before you buy." Three out of 4 people who sign up for a 7 day class pass end up joining at the end of the week!Anxiety Level-65 out of 100Step 2You Attend Your First ClassWalking through the door can be the most difficult part of the process. It’s a group of new people. You may feel vulnerable. Our coach will greet you by name and introduce you to the the rest of the class. You feel like a bit of an outsider, but soon you realize everyone is super supportive. Everyone is there to be better than they were yesterday. Anxiety Level-75 out of 100You Start the Actual WorkoutOMG. You’re thinking...What did I get myself into? You may be struggling with the warmup and others are breezing through it. You resist the urge to go to your car and cry.Anxiety Level-100 out of 10010 Minutes Into The WorkoutOk, you’re still alive. This is difficult, but you realize that you can go at your own pace. Nobody is judging you. The coach is assisting you with learning the exercises. Conversation is flowing within the group. You start to feel the flow and positive vibe.Anxiety Level-50 out of 100Cool Down SessionYou realize that the workout is over.It was difficult, but you’re proud of youself for doing it.Anxiety Level- 10 out of 100Two Days-1 Week After Your First WorkoutWow I’m sore. But I want to go back. The second and third workouts are still difficult, but manageable. This is no longer new to you. You’ve quickly become a part of the FGF community.Anxiety Level- 0 out of 100.Two Weeks InYou’re not getting sore like the first few times. The warmups are not challenging like they were at the beginning. Although the coaches push you, you can go at your own pace and not feel like you’re holding up the group. You’re hooked!Anxiety Level- 0 out of 100. You look forward to coming to class. You’re sleeping better. You’re feeling better. You enjoy the community. You start to see results!Ladies, the absolute hardest part of a fitness/weight loss journey is making that first step. Here at Fit Girl Fitness we guide you through every step of the process. We understand that walking into a new gym can be intimidating and have built our private women’s only facility to inspire and help people be as comfortable as possible!If you’d like more information you can email me at katie@fitgirlfit.com or visit our website at www.fitgirlfit.com.As always ladies, let's focus on being a Fit, Fierce & Fabulous Fit Girl!

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